Thought Lab
Here you can find a few lectures and talks on subjects important to comparative religion, the main focus of Olive Press's publishing.
U kunt hier aantal lezingen vinden die gaan over onderwerpen van belang voor vergelijkende wijsbegeerde, belangrijk voor olive press.
China, Japan and the Birth of Modernism
Copyright © Jan Krikke. No unauthorized multiplication allowed. This lecture was held at a conference in the University of Texas Jan Krikke China, Japan and the Birth of Modernism: Eastern Aesthetics and the Reassertion of the Female Principle This paper is an attempt to place the development of modern art and technology into a female-principle-vs-male-principle […]
A Day in the Life of Willem Ei, and a Cosmological Proof of the Ultimate
A Day in the Life of Willem Ei, and a Cosmological Proof of the Ultimate, 1998, dec. 1999 © by Alfred Scheepers, Isagoge That evening, since a friend persuaded him, Willem Ei attended a lecture by Richard Rorty. Afterwards in Amsterdam’s Arti et Amicitiae his alterego was invited to contribute to the present ‘Festschrift’. On […]
Drift, Burgerdom en Boeddhisme
Copyright © Alfred Scheepers Geen vermenigvuldiging toegestaan zonder toestemming van Olive Press No unauthorized multiplication allowed Lezing gegeven in het voorjaar van 1995 in Hotel de Filosoof te Amsterdam Drift, Burgerdom en Boeddhisme Ongeveer 2400, 2500 jaar geleden was er in De Ganges-vlakte van Noord-India een grote politieke en culturele bedrijvigheid. Er waren een groot […]